Our Families' Journey Through Time
Matches 1,101 to 1,112 of 1,112
# | Notes | Linked to |
1101 | World War One Pension Records, The Western Front Association, England. | Source (S412270058)
1102 | Y;Chronic Bronchitis | Darre, Armand Paul (I172262818537)
1103 | Y;Influenza and "sudden syncope" | Graham, Elizabeth "Lizzie" or "Liza" (I172026666893)
1104 | Yorkshire | Hotham, John (I172131340566)
1105 | Yorkshire Parish Records | Source (S376483167)
1106 | Yorkshire Parish Records | Source (S376578366)
1107 | Yorkshire Parish Records | Source (S384632308)
1108 | Zivilstandsregister, 1798-1875. Stadtarchiv Speyer, Speyer, Deutschland. | Source (S438637409)
1109 | [family source] | Pitfield, Alfred Albert (I172137883987)
1110 | · · People are more than welcome to make use of this information, remembering that the following is a work in progress:). Mary, Thomas, Agnes and Jane Crawford, left Glasgow 25 October 1862on the Ben Lomond arriving 19 January 1863 Dunedin. A distant cousin to me, related through the Finnie family ofCumbrae, has in her possession a letter by Thomas Crawford.Sent fromInvercargill to her ancestors, telling them to join them in Otago NewZealand. A transcription emailed to me makes for a very interesting storyand is of historical value in that it recounts the voyage and early part ofThomas and his sisters life in Otago. Many thanks to this lady who lives inScotland. Shipping Intelligence Otago Daily Times , Issue 337, 19 January 1863, Page4. Reported the Ben Lomond at The Heads Archibald, his son James and wife Marion Peebles with their family,James Finnie Crawford, Agnes Finnie Crawford and Marion Peebles Crawford, leftGlasgow 9 December 1864 on the St Vincent arriving 23 March 1865 at PortChalmers. Otago Daily Times 24 March 1865: The ship St Vincent already reported having arrived at the heads,reached port in the morning, and on Friday, all those of her passengers whohave not already landed, will be conveyed ashore, their detention for a day,having been due to the circumstances of Thursday being observed as a holiday atthe Custom House. The passengers arrived in good health and spirits, with only onedeath, that of a child, during the passage, and with the addition of two to thenumber shipped. On arrival they presented the Captain, Morrison, and to DrMcKellar, highly complimentary addresses, in which the report very favourablyas to their treatment during passage. Captain Morrison is the gentleman whosucceeded Captain Orkney in command of the ship Cheviot, and the Surgeon of thevessel was on her last trip surgeon to the Robert Henderson, now in port. The child who died was John Binney, aged two years, convulsing beingthe cause of death. The births were Mrs Hay of a daughter, and Mrs Fairburn adaughter. The St Vincent which is large of the superior class usuallydispatched to this Colony by Potter, Wilson and Company, left (Port Glasgowpassing through The Firth of Clyde and out through Lamlash Bay (Isle ofArran)) 10 December 1864. Two sons of Agnes Finnie and Archibald Crawford did not travel outto New Zealand. John Crawford (1827-1877, I have the Statutory Records forthese from ScotlandsPeople) remained in the Dumbarton area of Glasgow andmarried Isabella Patterson. Archibald Crawford married Margaret Ramsay and all of their familywere born in Glasgow between 1856 & 1874. Archibald Finnie Crawford was notmentioned in the 1881 Census, at 98 Green Street, as he had been in the 1861& 1871 Census, being listed as a saddler. Helen (Ellen) married JamesMiller Malone and remained in Glasgow So, either Archibald was elsewhere in Glasgow on the night of the1881 census or he had already sailed to South Africa prior to 1884 (the yearMargaret Ramsay Crawford died). It has been said Archibald remarried aSouth African woman, (Alice Levinia Wiggel maybe, 1887) and it has been passeddown through family that they went to Lesotho. At this point the New ZealandCrawfords lost contact. What I have managed to work out is that, some ofthe Crawford children returned to Glasgow and later went to Canada. One of thegrandchidren of Arcibald and Margaret Crawford married and went to Australia. This is an evolving story. | Stewart, Elizabeth (I172028115101)
1111 | “Ireland, Civil Registration Indexes 1845–1958,” Index. FamilySearch, Salt Lake City, Utah. General Register Office, Republic of Ireland. "Quarterly Returns of Deaths in Ireland with Index to Deaths.". | Source (S417662203)
1112 | “Ireland, Civil Registration Indexes 1845–1958,” Index. FamilySearch, Salt Lake City, Utah. General Register Office, Republic of Ireland. "Quarterly Returns of Marriages in Ireland with Index to Marriages.". | Source (S412270120)
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