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Our Families' Journey Through Time

Dunedin, Dunedin City, Otago, New Zealand


Latitude: -45.8795455, Longitude: 170.5005957


Matches 1 to 11 of 11

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Birth    Person ID 
1 Adams, John Arthur  1869I172030500081
2 GUTHRIE, James Arthur  1901I172032297875
3 Harwood, James Septimus  26 December 1862I172026466442
4 Harwood, Lucy Ann  19 November 1851I172007734606
5 Harwood, Octavius  10 January 1865I172026466445
6 Harwood, Thomas  22 April 1868I172026466731
7 Inglis, Agnes  January 1866I172042379617
8 Inglis, John Alexander  1871I172042379618
9 Romans, Winifred Hinemoa Iris  22 December 1893I172046472780
10 Suisted, Emily Rose  17 June 1896I172046472779
11 Wilson, Mary Ann  25 July 1849I172026466437


Matches 1 to 26 of 26

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Death    Person ID 
1 Adams, John  20 October 1893I172019227674
2 Adams, John Arthur  26 February 1948I172030500081
3 Adams, William Henry  15 September 1948I172030500080
4 Forsyth, Jane  11 June 1946I172026504406
5 GUTHRIE, James Arthur  1 May 1947I172032297875
6 Harwood, Henry  22 October 1987I172124141885
7 Harwood, Octavius  8 February 1948I172026466445
8 Harwood, Thomas  6 February 1938I172026466731
9 Hodgson*, Jonathan  31 Dec 1889I172550778770
10 Inglis, Agnes  25 January 1867I172042379617
11 Inglis, Alexander  7 July 1887I172042379616
12 Inglis, John Alexander  20 November 1942I172042379618
13 Maitland, Catherine  21 December 1927I172046472776
14 Maitland, Constance Eliza Susannah  23 June 1921I172019695350
15 Munro, Katie Alfreida Louise  20 February 1952I172046472778
16 Potter, James Joseph Gotham  26 August 1985I172043505220
17 Rendall, William Edward Thomas  24 July 1960I172442051265
18 Rendall, William Stevenson  2 January 1951I172442051263
19 Robertson, James  20 June 1910I172042343749
20 Robertson, Margaret  25 Jan 1895I172050734753
21 Robertson, Thomas  24 Aug 1903I172050734756
22 Sandle, Henry John  31 October 1945I172412179074
23 Smaill, James Andrew  28 May 1946I172198006465
24 Stacey, Elizabeth  27 February 1877I172030491218
25 STRUTHERS, Flora Stewart  10 Jun 1984I172032286401
26 Wilson, Mary Ann  10 July 1933I172026466437


Matches 1 to 50 of 85

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   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Burial    Person ID 
1 Adam, Elizabeth Jane  I172060666291
2 Adam, William  I172060666643
3 Adam, William Thomson  I172060666573
4 Adams, John  I172019227674
5 Allan, Emma  I172019432332
6 Arthur, Thomas Allured  I172094925232
7 Ashton, Phillippa  I172644533465
8 Ashton, William Isaac  I172219092277
9 BAYLISS, Edgar  I172139565196
10 BEVERIDGE, JAMES  I172045208441
11 Bird, Rosetta Leach  I172638992812
12 Blacklow, Ada  I172647595825
13 Booth, Edward  I172033099008
14 Bryant, William  I172505897954
15 Burns, Richard  I172026504643
16 Carpenter, Hannah  I172302215654
17 Cassey, Charles Henry  I172032280932
18 Clark, Robert Alfred  I172022745856
19 Cormack, Donald  20 Feb 1874I172033842367
20 CRAWFORD, Agnes Finnie  I172022705103
21 Dick, Andrew  I172034443111
22 Dick, James  I172007734289
23 Dick, James  I172279698590
24 Dick, William Robert  I172197046607
25 Driver, Agnes  I172042347488
26 Driver, Lavinia Chrissie\Chrissie Lavina  I172043489989
27 Edwards, Eliza  I172124141882
28 Eyers, Jacob  I172010626824
29 Ferguson, Margaret  I172024898057
30 Foord, Margaret Maria  I172043322734
31 Forsyth, Jane  I172026504406
32 Hall, Ellen Kate  I172017658300
33 Hamilton, Alison Hunter  I172508154419
34 Harding, June Margaret  I172010671528
35 Harris, Neville Ronald  I172282621403
36 Harvey, Sarah *  I172131779114
37 Harwood, Alfred  I172026466440
38 Harwood, Henry  I172124141885
39 Harwood, Lucy Ann  I172007734606
40 Harwood, Octavius  I172026466445
41 Harwood, Octavius Francis  I172010944227
42 Harwood, Robert  I172026466448
43 Harwood, Sylvy Ann  I172026466441
44 Harwood, Thomas  I172026466731
45 Harwood, Thomas William Edwards  I172124141884
46 Henderson, Mary  I172033842384
47 Holland, Caroline  I172162915384
48 Horne, Albert John  I172437982595
49 Horne, Emily  I172032210041
50 Horne, Harriet Annie  I172031541667

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