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Latitude: 56.4906712, Longitude: -4.2026458


Matches 1 to 50 of 171

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   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Birth    Person ID 
1 Mary  1780I172094320397
2 Adamson, Elizabeth  07 Apr 1775I172135466307
3 Aitken, Janet  1775I172104274560
4 Aitken, Margaret  10 Apr 1925I172033369172
5 allan, william  I172624287282
6 Allen, Barbara  Abt 1906I172125719727
7 Allen, Margaret  Abt 1885I172125719726
8 Allen, Margaret  Abt 1908I172125719728
9 Andersone, James  1565I172205414852
10 ANSLEY, SUSAN  Abt 1851I172028405247
11 Barclay, Janet  Abt 1720I172030082400
12 Barr, John  21 Feb 1775I172053026099
13 Baxter, David  21 Dec 1704I172030696627
14 Bennett, Benjamin  5 Jan 1847I172204556458
15 Binney, Elizabeth  Abt 1766I172018512906
16 Blair, Euphenia  1744I172205414104
17 Blair, Janet  Abt 1818I172023128709
18 Brand, Isabella  June 18, 1848I172047480588
19 Brown, Helen  1839I172028785438
20 Brown, John  I172486256715
21 Bryce, Isable  Abt 1742I172121842128
22 Burn, Andrew  Abt 1675I172146834196
23 Byers, John  5 Jul 1598I172022504374
24 BYERS, THOMAS  1550I172022504373
25 Caley, Frances  18 March 1856I172049270064
26 Campbell, Isabel  1603I172049718560
27 Campbell, Janet  Abt. 1700I172030696628
28 Cathro, Frederick Alexander Hood  Abt 1905I172124915562
29 Cathro, Maria Smith  1903I172124915558
30 Cathro, William Nichol  1855I172124701786
31 Colvine, Anne  Abt. 1700I172353409005
32 Cormack, William  Abt 1849I172034108926
33 Cuninghame, Agnes  Abt 1618I172049718569
34 Cuninghame, Archibald  Abt. 1608I172049718563
35 Cuninghame, Gabriel  1610I172049718573
36 Cuninghame, Isobell  1723I172405775761
37 Cunningham, Elizabeth  1620I172049718562
38 CUNNINGHAM, John  1694I172046429252
39 Cunningham, Lady Mary  1586I172050231359
40 Cunningham Earl van Glencairn, Willem  1585I172049299420
41 Cunningham, 7th Laird of Craigsend, Alexander  1623I172023277666
42 Cunninghame, Joanna  I172049301933
43 Cunnison, Alexander  I172268354127
44 Cunyingham, Sir Robert H.D.  Abt 1876I172022377398
45 Cunyngham, Charlotte Alice Dick  Abt 1874I172022409850
46 Cuthbertson, Elizabeth  1789I172022106953
47 Dalswinton, Katherine Stewart  1366I172061591517
48 DAVIDSON, Jane  1754I172028389432
49 Demperson, Mary  I172638995167
50 Dick, Anne  1717I172470312378

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Matches 1 to 50 of 150

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   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Death    Person ID 
1 ALLAN, Margaret  1891I172023107393
2 Andersone, George  Bef. 1642I172205414889
3 Andersone, James  I172205414852
4 Andersone, Margaret Elspit  1700I172206995277
5 Andersone (Andersoun), Robert  I172205414820
6 Barr, Janet  I172053026098
7 Barr, John  1840I172028115155
8 Baxter, David  I172030695980
9 Baxter, David  I172030696627
10 Baxter, George  I172030693010
11 Blak, Bessie  I172205414890
12 Boyd of Corstorphine, Janet  1498I172066549195
13 Brown, Elizabeth  Bef. 1841I172551592344
14 Brown, John  Bef. Jun 1827I172551592343
15 Brown, Mary  Aft. 1809I172244497995
16 Bryce, Isable  I172121842128
17 Buchanan, Walter of East Catter, 1st of Spittal  I172062451783
18 Burns, Helen  1780I172146833664
19 Campbell, Isabel  1663I172049718560
20 Campbell, Margaret Drummond  8 September 1598I172049923849
21 Carmichael, William  27 Sep 1792I172550203192
22 Carstairs, David  I172102016588
23 Carstairs, James  I172101987482
24 Carstairs, James  1787I172203444415
25 Clerck, Magdalena  1635I172022484806
26 Colvine, Anne  Aft. 1736I172353409005
27 Cowie, Agnes  I172400120042
28 Cuninghame, Agnes  I172049718569
29 Cuninghame, Archibald  I172049718563
30 Cuninghame, Gabriel  I172049718573
31 Cuninghame, James  Jul 1743I172049300777
32 Cuninghame, John  Dec 1728I172405771222
33 Cuninghame, William  Mar 1630I172049936494
34 Cunningham, Alexander Corsehill  1646I172050281661
35 Cunningham, Catherine  16 Apr 1647I172050231361
36 Cunningham, Elizabeth  I172049718562
37 Cunningham, Jeane Lady Bedley  I172049718567
38 Cunningham, Joan (Jean)  DeceasedI172046430100
39 Cunningham, Lady Mary  1646I172050231359
40 Cunningham, Rebecca  11 Jun 1680I172023278026
41 Cunningham Earl van Glencairn, Willem  1 October 1631I172049299420
42 Cunningham, 7th Laird of Craigsend, Alexander  1690I172023277666
43 Cunninghame, Humphrey  1501I172049509062
44 Cunninghame, Joanna  I172049301933
45 Cunninghame, Margaret  1618I172049718561
46 Cunnison, Alexander  I172268354127
47 DICK, Margaret Mary  1862I172022367251
48 Dick, Patrick  1735I172470312377
49 Dick, Thomas  25 Nov 1950I172017282891
50 Dryden, Helen  21 May 1877I172507425826

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Matches 1 to 4 of 4

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Burial    Person ID 
1 Allan, Alexander  I172345122768
2 allan, Elizabeth Mclay  I172635950526
3 Brown, Catherine  I172025629895
4 Bruce, James  I172205413679


Matches 1 to 10 of 10

   Family    Marriage    Family ID 
1 Campbell / Sinclair  20 Oct 1597F268
2 Dick / Scott  1710F1106
3 Dick ne Cunningham 3rd Baronet of Prestonfield MD, FRCP / Dobie  11 Apr 1736F1009
4 FLEMING / MUNRO  Abt. 1830F2028
5 Fraser / Mc Leod  1805F1405
6 GORDON SETON / Hay Seton  8 Jan 1426F2935
7 Lunam / Cameron  1 Sep 1856F4646
8 MacFarlane, 12th Baron of Arrochar 9th Chief / Cunyngham  Abt 1518F672
9 REID / Gibb  F3402
10 Russell / Gillan  Abt 1839F4053

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