Our Families' Journey Through Time
Show first names starting with
[no first name] ' 6 ? A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
All first names beginning with G, sorted alphabetically (total individuals):
1. Gabriel (2) 2. Gail (2) 3. Gardner (1) 4. Garnet (2) 5. Garret? (1) 6. Garth (2) 7. Gavin (2) 8. Geilis (1) 9. Gemima (1) 10. Gen (1) 11. General (2) 12. Geo. (1) |
13. Geoffrey (4) 14. Georg (1) 15. Georg(e) (1) 16. George (352) 17. Georgeane (1) 18. Georgena (1) 19. Georgetta (1) 20. Georgiana (4) 21. Georgianna (1) 22. Georgie (1) 23. Georgina (24) 24. Georgio (1) |
25. Georgius (1) 26. Gerald (4) 27. Gerd (1) 28. Gertrude (13) 29. Gesche (1) 30. Giertrud (1) 31. Gilbert (21) 32. Giles (2) 33. Gillechriost\Christopher (1) 34. Gladys (22) 35. Godfrey (2) 36. Gordon (14) |
37. Grace (41) 38. Graeme (1) 39. Graham (5) 40. Gregory (2) 41. Grezel (1) 42. Griffin (1) 43. Griffith (1) 44. Grisall (1) 45. Grisel (1) 46. Grissell (1) 47. Grizal (1) 48. Grizel (2) |
49. Guliellmus (1) 50. Gulielmi (1) 51. Gulielmus (1) 52. Gustav (1) 53. Gustavus (1) 54. Guy (1) 55. Gwen (4) 56. Gwendoline (9) 57. Gwenyth (1) 58. Gwilym (1) 59. Gwladys (1) |
I make every effort to document our research. If you have something you would like to add, please contact me - allan.sargison@gmail.com