Our Families' Journey Through Time
Show first names starting with
[no first name] ' 6 ? A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
All first names beginning with N, sorted alphabetically (total individuals):
1. Nan (1) 2. Nanc (2) 3. nance (1) 4. Nancy (14) 5. Nani (1) 6. Nanny (1) 7. Naomi (1) 8. Naomie (1) 9. Natanahira (1) 10. Nate (1) |
11. Nathan (2) 12. Nathaniel (3) 13. Nathanill (1) 14. Neil (4) 15. Neill (1) 16. Nell (1) 17. Nella (1) 18. Nelle (1) 19. Nellie (15) 20. Nelly (2) |
21. Nelson (1) 22. Neta (1) 23. Neva (1) 24. Neville (2) 25. Newry (1) 26. Ngaire (2) 27. Ngati (1) 28. Nicholas (3) 29. Nick (1) 30. Nicklas (1) |
31. Nicky (1) 32. Nico (1) 33. Nicola (1) 34. Nicolaas (1) 35. Nicolas (2) 36. Nihipolasus (1) 37. Nils (1) 38. Nina (2) 39. Noble (2) 40. Noel (8) |
41. Noelene (1) 42. Nola (3) 43. Nora (4) 44. Norah (7) 45. Norbert (1) 46. Noreen (1) 47. Norma (4) 48. Norman (19) 49. Norris (1) 50. Nukuroa (1) |
I make every effort to document our research. If you have something you would like to add, please contact me - allan.sargison@gmail.com